Sustainable Development Goals

Promoting eco-inclusive entrepreneurship for poverty alleviation and sustainable economic development.

“The SEED Winners show us a viable path to a greener economy and highlight the power of creative local business models that can inform the discussion on the post-2015 development agenda.”
Helen Clark
former UNDP Administrator

“We salute the vision, innovation and resilience of these trailblazers as they lead the way towards a greener and more sustainable future.”
Achim Steiner
UN Under-Secretary-General & former UNEP Executive Director

Poverty, (youth) unemployment, inequality, food insecurity and environmental degradation are major challenges our world is facing, and which the SDGs are targeting.

Small and growing enterprises account for over 90% of all businesses and provide more than 60% of total employment globally. These enterprises tend to employ a larger share of women, youth and people from poorer populations. The enterprises that we support at SEED provide practical solutions through their value chains, products and services to secure water and sanitation for all, ensure affordable and sustainable energy, and develop inclusive, sustainable communities. With their sustainable production patterns, these enterprises successfully protect, restore and promote the availability of resources for future generations.

Scroll over each SDG to discover how SEED programmes and eco-inclusive enterprises support the joint achievement of these goals:

SDG 1: No Poverty SDG 2: Zero Hunger SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being SDG 4: Quality Education SDG 5: Gender Equality SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
SDG 13: Climate Action SDG 14: Life Below Water SDG 15: Life on Land SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals


While working directly with enterprises in our Direct Enterprise Support programmes, we have gathered ample evidence of the contributions of eco-inclusive entrepreneurship to poverty eradication and sustainable economic development.

Although significant progress towards UN Development Goals have been made, further Ecosystem Building support through multi-stakeholder collaboration is required to enable these enterprises to more effectively and efficiently deliver their products and services for our joint achievement of the SDGs by 2030.

Read our insights into SDG achievement

Over the years, we have published articles, blogs and publications on the contribution of eco-inclusive entrepreneurship towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

Find out about upcoming SEED events and workshops which catalyse entrepreneurship to achieve Sustainable Development Goals.

SEED Library

In the SEED Library you can read our news, blog and publications about how small and growing eco-inclusive enterprises adopt socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable entrepreneurial approaches which support our joint achievement of the global UN SDGs.


This topic is supported by:

SEED's activities around Sustainable Development Goal achievement through eco-inclusive entrepreneurship are primarily supported by the Government of Flanders.

Join us in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Multi-stakeholder collaboration that involves and promotes smaller enterprises at the base of our global economy will be key in reaching the goals set in the SDGs. Support eco-inclusive entrepreneurship with us as we facilitate the design of financing and capacity-building instruments that enable small and growing enterprises to make meaningful contributions towards the SDGs.

Christine Meyer

SEED SDGs Specialist

Our SEED SDGs Specialist is available to discuss collaboration opportunities, receive comments or respond to questions.