KingFire Briquettes

Contributing to renewable, sustainable energy development and poverty eradication in Uganda
2014 SEED Africa Award Lauréat-e Waste Management Kampala, Uganda

KingFire creates a bio-energy value-chain through producing and selling briquettes. Biowaste is locally sourced and turned to char, then mixed with molasses, compressed and sundried. Vendors, who market equipment like cook stoves and paper bags, sell the final product. KingFire also facilitates community workshops on the benefits and uses of sustainable energy.

Made from bio-waste, the briquettes are low-cost, benefiting users and making the product accessible to urban and rural markets. The business profits from a wide market share and smart branding. End users benefit from a sustainable and low-cost, long burning product. KingFire also positions itself as a socially conscious business through local job creation and training, community education, and running a mentorship scheme.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts

KingFire turned Kampala’s challenge of waste management into a social business opportunity. It contributes to urban recycling efforts through the sourcing for its briquettes, while offering affordable clean fuel. It addresses deforestation challenges by reducing reliance on trees for firewood and charcoal.
  • Employing locals in the sourcing, producing and selling of the briquettes.
  • Educating the public on recycling practices and alternative, sustainable energy sources.
  • Reducing the number of people suffering carbon monoxide poisoning from charcoal burning.

  • Enhancing waste management in urban areas through recycling.
  • Promoting environmental conservation through reducing the need for deforestation for firewood.
  • Reducing carbon emissions from landfills and from deforestation.


  • Producing a long-lasting, slow-burning, and heat-efficient product that is low-cost.
  • KingFire’s urban location means manufacturing and transport costs are kept to a minimum.
  • Creating a local value chain that generates jobs and increase customers’ disposable income.


Cette entreprise est soutenue par ses partenariats avec diverses parties prenantes, notamment des organisations nationales et internationales, des investisseurs, des instituts de recherche, des fournisseurs, des organismes gouvernementaux, des ONG, d'autres entreprises sociales et environnementales, etc.

KingFire Briquettes founded and now produces KingFire’s brand of biomass briquettes. As well as facilitating production and sales, KingFire’s team is responsible for ongoing product research, monitoring and development.

Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI) supports KingFire to improve briquette quality through ongoing technical research and marketing advice. UIRI also helps to provide specific manufacturing machinery needed to scale the business.

Uganda Manufacturing Association (UMA) helps to identify new markets for KingFire at the same time as educating potential clients on the environmental benefits of using briquettes. UMA also provides networking opportunities for KingFire.

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Catherine Nakitende
Ntinda, Offmartyrs Way Road
Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256-701-760660 / 776-760660

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