Green the Map

Giving new life to waste by upcycling and market creation
2016 SEED Award Lauréat-e Waste Management India

GTM follows a two-pronged business model to market environmentally friendly products. The enterprise manufactures products from waste or organic materials, and it also offers an on- and offline marketing and sales platform for its own products and the products of other environmentally conscious producers.

Online, GTM runs its own e-commerce store and sells on other e-commerce portals. Offline, sales occur in GTM’s own store as well as in other retail stores throughout India.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts

GTM provides a steady source of income for waste pickers, tailors and others along the value chain, and also prevents non-degradable waste from going to landfills, helping to alleviate New Delhi’s waste problem.
  • Committing to fair trade and labour dignity, providing consistent wages to 15 employees, enabling them to improve their lives and the lives of their families.
  • Creating a chain of livelihood from waste pickers to tailors from marginalised sections of society.
  • Preventing 2-3 tonnes of non-degradable waste from going to landfills, helping to alleviate New Delhi’s waste management problem.
  • Influencing the consumer mindset and raising awareness on the urban waste problem by marketing products made from upcycled waste.
  • Creating a market for environmentally friendly products by offering 25 vendors a platform to sell their upcycled products.
  • Developing unique upcycled products by engaging with vendors and corporate partners.



Cette entreprise est soutenue par ses partenariats avec diverses parties prenantes, notamment des organisations nationales et internationales, des investisseurs, des instituts de recherche, des fournisseurs, des organismes gouvernementaux, des ONG, d'autres entreprises sociales et environnementales, etc.

Green the Map manufactures, markets and sells the upcycled products made from waste or organic materials..

United Sisters Foundation (USF), or Pinkathon, is India’s biggest female marathon organiser and a regular purchaser of GTM’s products.

Haathi Chaap uses GTM as their official distributor. Together with GTM, they create unique tags and pamphlets for customers.

Indigo Airlines provides discarded aircraft seat covers as material for GTM products; the upcycled products are then sold on Indigo flights.

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