Dossiers d'entreprises

Les dossiers d'entreprises SEED sont de courts dépliants résumant les principales activités commerciales et les impacts éco-inclusifs (environnementaux, sociaux et économiques) des lauréats des prix SEED dans le cadre de nos multiples programmes de récompenses. Ces fiches complètent notre section Rencontrer des entreprises où vous pouvez lire des histoires de réussite en matière d'entrepreneuriat éco-inclusif et collaborer avec des entreprises soutenues par SEED dans le cadre de nos programmes.

Enterprise Brief: Powering the Future with SuryaHurricanes

Published: 24 août 2009
Since 2008, the partnership has provided women with solar powered lanterns and replaced the traditional kerosene lamps. Besides improving work capacity and income opportunities of the household, it also enables children to study in the evening as the light quality is much better than from kerosene lamps. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Oro Verde

Published: 24 août 2009
Since 2000, Oro Verde has reversed environmental degradation caused by uncontrolled mining in the Chocó Bioregion, by developing certified responsible mining practices. The partnership, consisting of two national NGOs and two grassroots organisations, also reduces social exclusion by strengthening local miners and facilitating market access for them. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Nafore and Afrisolar Energy Kiosks

Published: 24 août 2009
MicroSow and Afrisolar aim to fill the energy gap faced by citizens in rural areas in Burkina Faso. With many people excluded from the official power grid the initiative, through their mobile solarpowered charging stations (Nafore), offers access to sustainable electricity for mobile phones. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Lighting Sri Lanka’s Future

Published: 24 août 2009
In the next 5 years, the partnership aims to convert 20,000 kerosene lanterns into solar-powered LED lighting systems. These can be used by children to study at night and aid night fishermen. The initiative employs between 5 – 10 staff. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: KAITE - Zimbabwe's bridge to the world

Published: 24 août 2009
Since 2007, KAITE has been training small-scale farmers to produce, process, and certify organic essential oils, herbs and spices. The 30 employees at KAITE then connect the 500 cooperating partner farmers to international fair trade markets. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Innovative oyster, fish and algae aqua-farming

Published: 24 août 2009
Since 2006, the tropical multi-species aqua-farm has contributed to food security by providing sustainable supplies of organic oysters, milkfish and tilapia. More recently, they also cultivate micro-algae as livestock feed for fish. The initiative furthermore creates a local source of income and employment. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Eco-Amazon Piabas of Rio Negro

Published: 24 août 2009
The project aims to safeguard traditional ornamental fisheries in the Amazon in a sustainable way by stimulating a niche market. Through a socially and environmentally responsible fishery cooperative and traders, the initiative introduces a fair trade system for rural communities. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: The Clean Energy Initiative

Published: 24 août 2009
Since 2009 the project has provided electricity for rural areas using energy generated from micro wind turbines. This also generates employment and income, and promotes entrepreneurial skills at the local level by providing capacity building trainings. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Bio-cultural Community Protocols

Published: 24 août 2009
Natural Justice is working with communities to develop bio-cultural community protocols. These help communities assert their rights to manage their natural resources and regulate access to their traditional knowledge according to their values and customary laws. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Pintadas Solar

Published: 23 août 2008
Pintadas Solar has won one of five 2008 SEED Awards for its work to help small farmers communities to adapt to climate change, improve local food security, mitigate their own carbon emissions, and reduce poverty by increasing income and creating local employment opportunities. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Himalayan Oregano Oil and Sustainable Livelihoods against MRSA

Published: 23 août 2008
Himalayan Oregano Oil against MRSA has won one of five 2008 SEED Awards for its potential to improve health and its work to provide a sustainable source of income for herb collectors and reduce villagers’ dependency on the collection of endangered herbs, thereby contributing towards conservation of those herbs in their natural habitat. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: From Relief to Self-Reliance

Published: 23 août 2008
From Relief to Self Reliance has won one of five 2008 SEED Awards for its work to expand employment opportunities, strengthen local economic and cultural activity and promote sustainable resource management through community based tourism. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Lighting Up Hope and Communities

Published: 23 août 2008
Lighting up Hope and Communities has won one of five 2008 SEED Awards for its work to become a model for the creation of a
financially self-sustaining business selling renewable energy products. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Guiding Hope - Upscaling Fair Trade Honey and Wax Marketing

Published: 23 août 2008
Guiding Hope has won one of five 2008 SEED Awards for its work to establish an environmentally and socially responsible, fair-yet-profitable trade in apiculture products. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Water for All

Published: 23 août 2005
The municipal water company, a private consortium, the local community and a non-profit foundation form an entrepreneurial partnership to greatly extend access to affordable water in peri-urban areas of Cochabamba, Bolivia. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: A Global Marketing Partnership for SRI Indigenous Rice

Published: 22 août 2005
Farming communities, a research institute, NGOs, and businesses collaborate to market indigenous varieties of rice grown with SRI (System of Rice Intensification) methods, thereby improving incomes, conserving biodiversity, and benefiting health and the environment. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Harvesting Seabuckthorn at the top of the world

Published: 22 août 2005
A sustainable programme to harvest seabuckthorn and create products for local and international markets, thereby improving livelihoods and safeguarding traditional knowledge of medicinal plants and the biodiversity of Nepal. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Madagascar's first community-run marine protected area

Published: 22 août 2005
A partnership between the local community, international NGOs and research institutions aims to demonstrate the economic, conservation and fisheries benefits of Madagascar’s first community-run Marine Protected Area (MPA). En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Cows to Kilowatts

Published: 22 août 2005
A local NGO and a community-based organization join with technology innovators from Thailand and the Sustainable Ibadan Project to install a biogas plant running on abattoir effluents to create a source of domestic energy, abate pollution and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. En savoir plus