Dossiers d'entreprises

Les dossiers d'entreprises SEED sont de courts dépliants résumant les principales activités commerciales et les impacts éco-inclusifs (environnementaux, sociaux et économiques) des lauréats des prix SEED dans le cadre de nos multiples programmes de récompenses. Ces fiches complètent notre section Rencontrer des entreprises où vous pouvez lire des histoires de réussite en matière d'entrepreneuriat éco-inclusif et collaborer avec des entreprises soutenues par SEED dans le cadre de nos programmes.

Enterprise Brief: Project for Producing Edible Mushroom Spores

Published: 29 août 2011
The initiative aims to make the production of mushroom spores accessible to rural populations in Rwanda, particularly vulnerable people living in zones with a high risk of soil erosion. Mushrooms, as a short-cycle, high-yield crop, offer an alternative to traditional crops that is both more profitable and has a higher nutritional value. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Kenya Organic Finest Aromas Ltd (KOFA)

Published: 29 août 2011
The initiative seeks to address food insecurity and poverty among smallscale farmers in Kenya by providing them with certified organic farm inputs, training in organic farming techniques and marketing-related services to increase their profit margins and market access. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Man and Man Enterprise

Published: 29 août 2011
Man and Man Enterprise produces and markets efficient biomass cooking stoves which save 40 % on charcoal compared to conventional stoves. The product thus enables substantial savings on fuel costs while reducing deforestation and GHG emissions. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Karama

Published: 29 août 2011
Karama markets Egyptian handicrafts, linking marginalised artisans to the global market and highlighting the tradition and artistry that lies behind every piece. The initiative also trains artisans and encourages them to take pride in their cultural heritage, thereby ensuring that their skills are passed down through the generations. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: GreenTech Company Ltd - fuel briquettes from groundnut shells combined with fuel efficient stoves

Published: 29 août 2011
Since July 2011, GreenTech produces high quality fuel briquettes from groundnutshells and promotes fuel efficient stoves for cooking and heating purposes in households, restaurants and industries. As the combined briquette/stove unit needs less fuel input than common cooking units, it reduces cooking costs, emissions and the exploitation of forests. The briquettes are pressed by a heavy duty machine, producing 800kg/h. The stoves are produced with recycled metal by local weldermen. Briquettes and stoves are available on stock. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: SEPALI Madagascar

Published: 29 août 2011
SEPALI is a local spin-of of an international non-governmental organisation that provides technical and financial assistance to farmers and community-based enterprise groups in Madagascar. By promoting the production and processing of wild silk from moths raised on indigenous trees, SEPALI conserves local biodiversity and secures farmers’ livelihoods. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: FADECO Trading Co. Ltd.

Published: 29 août 2011
The initiative tackles the problem of post-harvest losses by solar drying fruit and vegetables which can subsequently be stored or sold. Drying agricultural products helps to ensure food security during the rainy seasons and creates opportunities for local farmers to access new markets. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Rural Transportation and Renewable Products Conversion Centres for Agro-residues

Published: 29 août 2011
VIVUS has developed an innovative rural transportation system enabling the efficient collection of small quantities of crops and agricultural waste in remote areas. The initiative then sells the crops in urban centres and converts the residues into biogas and fertiliser. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Community-based, sustainable and commercially viable Aloe vera products as alternative income generation for fisherwomen in Bar Reef Special Management Area in Kalpitiya

Published: 29 août 2011
The initiative introduces householdlevel Aloe vera cultivation and processing, helping to conserve coastal resources and reduce poverty among fishing communities in Kalpitiya. Aloe vera leaves are purchased by the cosmetics industry and an Aloe vera drink can be sold locally. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: IziWasha

Published: 29 août 2010
IziWasha is a simple and affordable handheld laundry device aimed at improving the lives of women by easing the burden of hand-washing whilst saving water. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: The Shea Economic Empowerment Program (SEEP)

Published: 29 août 2010
The initiative seeks to empower shea butter producers economically by restructuring the Shea Butter supply chain, building capacity among producers and improving production quality to facilitate access to local and international Shea Butter markets. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Solanterns: Replacing 1 Million Kerosene Lanterns with 1 Million Solar Lanterns

Published: 29 août 2010
Solanterns offers smoke-free, brighter solar lanterns at a lower cost than kerosene lamps; thus, health risks, and fire and environmental hazards are reduced, and investments opportunities are created for microentrepreneurs. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Reclaiming Livelihoods – Mooi River Waste Reclaiming

Published: 29 août 2010
Reclaiming Livelihoods is an initiative of former informal waste pickers. Before founding the initiative, waste pickers worked as individuals in the town of Mooi River. With the assistance of the NGO groundWork, the waste pickers of Mooi River organised themselves into a formal group and now work together. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Papyrus Reeds, Our Future Hope

Published: 29 août 2010
Papyrus Reeds, Our Future Hope is a sustainable enterprise that harvests and processes papyrus reeds and crafts them into highquality products including baskets, purses, and furniture. The reed waste is used as natural manure. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Muliru Farmers

Published: 29 août 2010
This community-based initiative seeks to conserve the Kakamega forest through the promotion of alternative income-generating activities and awareness among the local, poor communities. It is a partnership between several institutions and uses traditional knowledge and modern science to develop products on the basis of wild indigenous medicinal plants. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Manufacture and Popularization of Biomass Briquettes

Published: 29 août 2010
Face à la surexploitation des forêts et l’utilisation massive du charbon de bois et du bois de chauffe, SOS Energie vise à mettre en place une filière de production de briquettes de biomasse et de foyers améliorés, tout en formant les ménages et artisans à l’utilisation de cette source d’énergie respectueuse de l’environnement. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Kayor Rural Energy, Rural Electrification by Photovoltaic Solar Energy

Published: 29 août 2010
Créée en 2006 par l’Union des Groupements Paysans de Mékhé, KAYER fournit des solutions énergétiques renouvelables aux ménages et organisations situés en zones non électrifiées, en lien avec des institutions de microfinance. L’énergie est considérée comme un facteur de développement, au service des dynamiques socioéconomiques locales. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Initiative for Promoting and Distributing Bio-Pesticides

Published: 29 août 2010
Face au manque de solutions efficaces pour combattre les maladies fongiques et bactériologiques dans les cultures, BIOPROTECT offre une gamme complète de bio-stimulants. Ces produits innovants et respectueux de l’environnement représentent une alternative économique pour les agriculteurs, sans nuire à leur santé. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Village Cereal Aggregation Centres (VCAC)

Published: 29 août 2010
Village Cereal Aggregation Centres (VCACs) introduce post-harvest technologies and support farmers to engage in safe near-farm cereal storage, in order to increase food security and their capacity to trade competitively. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: SolSource

Published: 29 août 2010
The SolSource is an affordable and high-performing solar concentrator designed for the 2.5 billion people globally who rely on harmful solid fuels for their daily energy needs. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Resentse Sinqobile Trust Trading as Zondi BuyBack Initiative

Published: 29 août 2010
The non-profit initiative Resentse Sinqobile Trust (Zondi Buy Back Centre) was initiated in 2004 by the City of Johannesburg through financial support from the Danish government to educate the community about waste management. The initiative contributes to environmental and climate protection by reusing recyclable materials from waste and offers income to unemployed citizens. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Production and Distribution of Pressurized Biogas in Gas Cylinders

Published: 29 août 2010
The initiative Compressed Biogas proposes to build large biogas plants that will continuously produce biogas from urban, domestic and industrial wastes. The biogas produced will be stored under pressure in gas cylinders for easy distribution to urban and periurban customers as alternative to charcoal and firewood. En savoir plus


Published: 29 août 2010
Oribags Innovations, established in 2008, is a social and environmental enterprise that manufactures handmade paper bags, printing paper and jewellery from agricultural wastes. It recovers waste paper and natural fibres in an environmentally-friendly way to transform them into products for the local market. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Micro Power Economy for Rural Electrification

Published: 29 août 2010
The goal of the initiative is to offer rural customers in Senegal reliable power supply through the innovative business model “MicroPowerEconomy” that enhances social, environmental and economic sustainability for both the rural customers and the power provider. En savoir plus

Enterprise Brief: Linking Small-Scale Farmers to Input-Output Markets through Rural Enterprise Network (REN)

Published: 29 août 2010
The Rural Enterprise Network (REN) is a social marketing organisation established by rural farmers in the south of Sri Lanka. REN provides marketing-related services to increase market access for poor small-scale producers. En savoir plus