Produits des labos professionnels SEED

Les produits de nos labos professionnels présentent des solutions, cocréées dans les labos professionnels SEED, qui répondent à certains des principaux défis financiers et politiques auxquels sont confrontées les petites entreprises et les entreprises en croissance. Les Labos de praticiens SEED cultivent un écosystème d'acteurs et d'instruments pour soutenir les entreprises écologiquement durables et socialement inclusives.

Off-grid renewable energy private-public partnership model: Improving market access and affordable technology financing | Policy, Malawi 2019

Published: 13 novembre 2019Auteurs : Alina Weiss, Maggie Sloan, Marlena Kiefl
his private-public partnership model furthers the electrification of (rural) Malawi by engaging technology suppliers, financiers and government around eco-inclusive enterprises offering off-grid renewable energy solutions and delivering capacity building for integrated distribution networks and targeted clean energy financing solutions. En savoir plus

Agriculture Insurance and Climate-Related Risk Assessment: Stimulating Climate-Smart Agriculture Markets | Policy, Malawi 2019

Published: 13 novembre 2019Auteurs : Alina Weiss, Maggie Sloan, Marlena Kiefl
The policy instrument for stimulating markets for climate-smart agriculture value chains, combining agriculture insurance and climate-related risk assessment, will build decentralised capacity-building networks (supported by public and financial sector partners). This instrument aims to raise awareness and reduce the climate-related vulnerabilities of smallholder farmers and agribusinesses by developing and delivering risk management and adaptation solutions which are catered to these enterprises and the localised enterprise ecosystems in which they operate. En savoir plus

Malawi Waste Management Consortium: Building markets for waste innovation value chains | Policy, Malawi 2019

Published: 13 novembre 2019Auteurs : Alina Weiss, Maggie Sloan, Marlena Kiefl
The Malawi Waste Management Consortium supports the development of waste management markets and the alignment of policy around green and inclusive development approaches with entrepreneurial waste management solutions. The consortium aims to improve access to information on the current government policy for waste management and guidance for aspiring waste innovators by establishing a consortium of waste management experts and ecosystem actors and developing a digital platform and online marketplace for waste innovation. En savoir plus

Building a conducive environment for SME labour absorption | Policy, South Africa 2019

Published: 21 octobre 2019Auteurs : Camilla Shearman, Julia Haack
This policy instrument targets the strengthening of an enabling environment to promote SME growth and related labour absorption. This is to be achieved through increasing access to incentives for SMEs, as well as targeting size- and sector-based programmes to encourage growth. The thought group will act as an information platform for intermediaries and policy makers to unblock barriers facing SMEs when it comes to job creation, as well as to target programmes and investments based on sector. A focus on green jobs will help to define green sectors with high potential for job creation and encourage SME growth and job creation within these sectors . En savoir plus

Incentivising activity in the biomass sector | Policy, South Africa 2019

Published: 21 octobre 2019Auteurs : Camilla Shearman, Julia Haack
This policy prototype looks to the biomass-to-energy value chain to pilot a mechanism that will catalyse sound decision-making in the biomass sector, leading to the implementation of sustainable invasive alien clearing, harvesting and biomass utilisation projects that connect to well-supported energy markets. In order to address the challenges that small and medium businesses in this sector currently face, the prototype involves setting up a knowledge-sharing platform to provide value chain specific information, biomass to energy case studies, and information on how to navigate regulatory frameworks, policy and fiscal incentives. En savoir plus

Commercialisation of climate change adaptation innovations | Policy, South Africa 2019

Published: 21 octobre 2019Auteurs : Camilla Shearman, Julia Haack
The proposed independent institution brings public and private stakeholders together with a focus of providing support for the commercialisation of climate change adaptation technologies. The convening independent institution would host a platform of support services including funding, market information, and opportunities for pre-commercial procurement. The solution will therefore act as a “one stop shop” for SMEs during commercialisation. En savoir plus

Cooperative-to-Cooperative Platform: Expanding networks for community-led business development | Policy, Malawi 2019

Published: 21 octobre 2019Auteurs : Alina Weiss, Maggie Sloan, Marlena Kiefl
The cooperative-to-cooperative platform for climate-smart agriculture is a digital platform offering combined performance indexing, knowledge sharing, and matchmaking between cooperative unions and cooperatives across Malawi. The platform supports the further coordination of cooperatives and public sector initiatives in Malawi. En savoir plus

Syndicate for Renewable Energy Infrastructure Financing | Climate Finance, Uganda 2018

Published: 09 juillet 2019Auteurs : Alina Weiss, Maggie Sloan
The syndicate for renewable energy infrastructure financing solution contracts a community of interested debt and equity lenders to finance household RE projects. It enables and leverages syndication effects to increase the number of new financial partnerships, raise debt in the RE sector and multiply returns on investments. Investors are legally bound in the syndicate, which finances RE infrastructure projects based on comprehensive project analysis, due diligence and evaluation. High ROI potential projects receive financing through insurance, blended financing or otherwise, depending on the financing service offerings of member financiers. The syndicate supports RE infrastructure projects to plan project implementation and schedules payments accordingly. En savoir plus

Mobile-Enabled Microinsurance for Climate Resilient Agriculture | Climate Finance, Uganda 2018

Published: 09 juillet 2019Auteurs : Alina Weiss, Maggie Sloan
The mobile-enabled microinsurance solution catalyses mobile-based technology to increase access to and improve the quality of agriculture insurance solutions offered to small-scale agribusinesses in Uganda. This product insures small-scale agribusinesses who produce commercial crops against production losses, monitored using real-time weather indexing. Product delivery, servicing and claims pay-outs are facilitated by a network of insurance agents supported by local-level representatives and mobile-money and communication technology. En savoir plus

Irrigation System Microleasing for High-Value Crops | Climate Finance, Uganda 2018

Published: 08 juillet 2019Auteurs : Alina Weiss, Maggie Sloan
The irrigation system microleasing for high-value crops solution mitigates investment risks for both farmers and financial institutions. The irrigation system financing model directs financing for climate-smart irrigation technologies through technology providers to agribusinesses that produce (or have the potential to produce) commercial crops that generate higher profits at market. The financing mechanism for irrigation systems engages the private sector to maximise returns on investment in productive farm assets (specifically irrigation) in the agriculture sector. En savoir plus

Smart-Irrigation-as-a-Service Financing Vehicle | Climate Finance, Thailand 2018

Published: 20 décembre 2018Auteurs : Kathrin Kirsch
The Smart-Irrigation-as-a-Service Financing Vehicle directs deal flow for drip-irrigation systems to improve productivity and climate adaptation capacities to small and growing agri-enterprises. This financial instrument offers microfinancing solutions to lower investment risks in agricultural process improvements for both farmers and financial institutions. En savoir plus

TARA: Green SME Finance Tool | Climate Finance, India 2018

Published: 20 décembre 2018Auteurs : Kathrin Kirsch
The Green MSME Finance Tool is a knowledge platform positioned as a one-stop source for organised financial information about green MSMEs, credit appraisal and rating systems for green technology solutions and potential monetisation of green solutions. It provides banks with data and frameworks to understand green technology-based enterprises and evaluate them for financing in order to bridge the information gap between banks and green enterprises and thereupon reducing otherwise high due diligence costs. En savoir plus

Gold Standard Programme of Activities: Unlocking the carbon market for waste-management enterprises | Climate Finance, India 2018

Published: 20 décembre 2018Auteurs : Kathrin Kirsch
The Gold Standard Programme of Activity (PoA) for Waste Management Start-Ups developed by VNV Advisory and GIZ is an umbrella programme that bundles several emissions reducing activities that can earn carbon credits. The PoA enables carbon revenue for SMEs including small-scale projects involved in waste management in key community-oriented areas such as households and commercial waste. En savoir plus

Wildchain: A Non-profit Conservation Innovation Lab | Climate Finance, Thailand 2018

Published: 20 décembre 2018Auteurs : Kathrin Kirsch, Marlena Kiefl
Wildchain brings people together to protect our planet’s endangered species and ecosystem by creating shared value between social entertainment and real-world impact. Wildchain lets people digitally adopt and raise some of earth’s rarest species within a digital sanctuary they can call home. Users are passively contributing to conservation and reforestation projects solely by participating in this entertainment ecosystem. Users may also actively allocate where their donations go on a fully transparent kickstarter-like platform which will represent the impact they have created. En savoir plus

GROVE: Blockchain-based conservation plaform for regenerative mangrove forestry | Climate Finance, Thailand 2018

Published: 20 décembre 2018Auteurs : Kathrin Kirsch
GROVE – the Global Reforestation Objective Virement Ecosystem – is set up by the Global Mangrove Trust (GMT). GROVE is a digital platform that runs as a decentralised foundation utilising smart contracts and satellite verification to crowdfund forest growth. En savoir plus

New Ventures: Portfolio Level Debt Facility for Clean Energy | Climate Finance, India 2018

Published: 20 décembre 2018Auteurs : Kathrin Kirsch
The Portfolio Level Debt Facility for Clean Energy Enterprises is targeted towards closing the debt funding gap in the RE sector by creating a corpus for a portfolio of clean energy social enterprises. This aims to create enhanced impact and an overarching ecosystem development for RE off-grid enterprises, catalysing the
uptake of renewable energy in India and especially reaching last-mile communities. En savoir plus