
Combining agricultural crop and residue transportation with organic waste processing
2011 SEED Award Lauréat-e Green Technologies Accra, Ghana

VIVUS has developed an innovative rural transportation system enabling the efficient collection of small quantities of crops and agricultural waste in remote areas. The initiative then sells the crops in urban centers and converts the residues into biogas and fertiliser. Vivus combines three value chains in an innovative fashion: - Rural transportation: Selling pushcarts and bicycle carts and establishing an on-demand mobility services system. - Food crops: Collecting and marketing produce from smallholder farmers. - Agro-residues: Collecting and selling organic waste as a fuel source, and working towards setting up a biogas and fertiliser plant. Crops are transported to urban centres and sold to retailers and organised groups of female vendors. Residues are converted into fertiliser and biogas for electricity, cooking or use as fuel gas. 

Eco-Inclusive Impacts

VIVUS enables the efficient collection of small quantities of crops and agricultural waste in remote areas. The initiative then sells the crops in urban centres and converts the residues into biogas and fertiliser.
  • Increasing farmers' incomes by buying crops and residues, indirectly benefiting 1,200 family members.
  • Providing individuals with carts and other transportation, freeing up women and children from their physically demanding, time-consuming head-carrying duties.
  • Using emission-free carts and bicycles aids social and economic development without having a negative impact on the environment.
  • Spearheading agricultural residue recycling from smallholder farmers explores the untapped potential for resource efficiency.
  • Aiding the economic development of remote communities by creating access to affordable transportation.
  • Integrating smallholder farmers into the food crop and agro-residue value chains.



Cette entreprise est soutenue par ses partenariats avec diverses parties prenantes, notamment des organisations nationales et internationales, des investisseurs, des instituts de recherche, des fournisseurs, des organismes gouvernementaux, des ONG, d'autres entreprises sociales et environnementales, etc.

Vivus Ltd. develops the rural transportation system, collects and markets crops and agricultural waste.

Esoko Co. provides the software solution for a mobile-phone-based information system for crop farmers and vendors.

Ghana Bamboo Bikes develop the bamboo cargo bicycle.

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Richard Seshie

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