Peec Energy

Remote monitoring and control systems for rural solar mini-grids and solar home systems
2021 SEED Low Carbon Award Lauréat-e Clean Energy Kampala, Uganda

Peec Energy works on a proven model of offering remote monitoring and metering for solar mini-grids and pay- as- you -go solar home systems (SHS). It offers PAYG meters to local mini-grid developers to allow them to sell energy in off-grid locations and to remotely monitor their utility assets and collect bill payments via a central software.

Peec Energy generates revenue from hardware sales as well as software subscriptions paid by the energy suppliers (Solar companies, mini-grid developers and Pay-As-You-Go solar contractors).

Eco-Inclusive Impacts

Peec Energy brings clean energy to low-income communities as well as cost savings. The model provides women and youth solar and biogas training and certification.

  • Providing clean and affordable energy access to targeted local communities in rural and last-mile locations with no access to electricity (3,800 households, impacting 16,200 people)
  • Providing women and youth solar and biogas training and certification from the Directorate of Industrial training
  • Reducing greenhouse gases emission by promoting renewable energy through solutions that make solar more reliable, affordable and sustainable
  • Installed close to 10,000 KWatts generating solar energy systems



  • Encouraged 250 youth to open up small businesses using renewable energy access; solar like kiosks, hair salons and cold drink shops




Cette entreprise est soutenue par ses partenariats avec diverses parties prenantes, notamment des organisations nationales et internationales, des investisseurs, des instituts de recherche, des fournisseurs, des organismes gouvernementaux, des ONG, d'autres entreprises sociales et environnementales, etc.

GGGI is helping Peec Energy in business development and supports the enterprises with green business funding and mentorship.

Peec Energy is a Greenpreneurs 2020 winner. The Greenpreneurs Alumni benefit from program support, mentorship and funding.

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Philip Kyeswa
Tel: +256776976288

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