
Offering clean cooking solutions in East Africa
L'équipe SEED Starter Clean Energy Kampala, Uganda

BBS Energy, also known as Envirocook, offers clean cooking solutions in Uganda. By doing so, it helps create energy savings for the residents of East Africa and reduce emissions from the use of fossil fuels. Its offerings include cookstoves, brick ovens, steam bathtubs and saunas, as well as the provision of biogas and carbonized briquettes. The enterprise is also committed to promoting youth entrepreneurship through capacity-building, enabling them to launch their own eco-inclusive businesses.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts

Creating energy savings and reducing fossil fuel emissions.
  • Reducing emissions from household and smallscale industrial use of fossil fuels by providing clean energy sources and compatible appliances. 
  • Empowering youth entrepreneurs to launch their own business through capacity-building and entrepreneurial training. 
  • Stimulating job creation and income generation in the community by employing 24 youths, with plans to scale up operations and sales. 


Cette entreprise est soutenue par ses partenariats avec diverses parties prenantes, notamment des organisations nationales et internationales, des investisseurs, des instituts de recherche, des fournisseurs, des organismes gouvernementaux, des ONG, d'autres entreprises sociales et environnementales, etc.

Uganda National Alliance in Clean Cooking provided capacity-building, marketing, and networking support to Envirocook. 

Bibliothèque SEED

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Collaborer avec Envirocook

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Je consens à ce que SEED recueille mes coordonnées et protège les données que j'ai soumises conformément à la politique de confidentialité.
Mr. Bugembe Ivan
Entebbe Road, Solar House Room 2.7
Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 774 37 9833

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